Thursday, December 4, 2008


I have started something new in my prayer time that has been really neat. I've made myself a prayer calendar and written the names of people I'll pray for each day on it. I have several that I pray for on a daily basis and then I have 2 names that I pray for on that specific day. It has really helped take the focus off of myself during my prayer time. I have found that I really love praying for others. I want to see them blessed by God. I often think if we all took seriously enough the matter of prayer that we would see a mighty move of God. It is in prayer that we talk to God himself and if you stay quiet long enough he talks back to you. No, I don't hear him say anything "out loud" but in my heart of hearts I hear his voice and know when it is him speaking to me. I just encourage you to pray for others. God will bless you and fill you with an inexpressable joy as you pray for others.

Another thing I do during this prayer time is that I find a verse in Scripture to pray over the person I'm praying for. Here is an example. This is what I prayed for Joshua the other night:

"Lord, I pray that as Joshua grows he will trust you with all his heart and not lean upon his own understanding. I pray that he will seek you in all things." You'll probably notice that I prayed Proverbs 3:5 over Joshua in this prayer. The Word of God is powerful and what better words to use when I'm praying than the very words God has inspired and spoken into his word. I also write my prayers out on index cards and keep them organized by the date I prayed for others and I write the name of the person I prayed for on the card.

My desire is to one day give Joshua all of the prayers that I've prayed over him so that he will have them and be able to go back and see the things I've prayed for him. I really hope to do that with all my prayer cards so that each person I've prayed for will know they have been prayed for. But, for now I'm going to keep them and keep adding to them until the Lord directs me to do otherwise.

I hope this blog post encourages you in some way. I just had to share my new prayer thang! :)

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