Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Little Before and After

I've almost met my goal for Weight Watchers and I am soooooooo HAPPY! I'm needing a little motivation to keep going since I'm getting close to where I want to be and the weight isn't coming off as fast as it had been. SO, I'm posting a before and almost after picture to show myself and all of you just how far I've come. To date I've lost 58.4 lbs and I have 5 more to go. I'm on the home stretch and couldn't feel better.

Before/May 2008
After/March 25, 2009

By the way, the skirt I have on in the after picture is a SIZE 4!!! WOWIE!!

1 comment:

matiaskardia said...

You look fantastic, Girlie!! Keep up the good work; we're all pulling for you for the weigh-in tomorrow!!