Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cookout at the Pearson's

Mrs. Pearson is my table leader at Metochai(student wives club that meets once a month) and I actually work with her husband in the School of Theology. He is one of our preaching faculty. We had a Metochai fellowship/cookout today at the Pearson's house.

As you can see Joshua found one of the neighborhood dogs right away. Dr. Pearson assured us that this was the sweetest dog and that he actually gives the dog a treat everyday.
Dr. Pearson also showed Joshua how to pick tomatoes. Joshua thought it would be a good idea to feed the tomatoes to the dog so he would run over and get a few and then run them over to the dog. The Pearson's thought it was really cute and didn't mind at all. (thank goodness) :)
Mrs. Pearson is sitting in the middle of the swing and two of the other ladies that sit at our table are in this picture as well.
The boys were having fun asking Dr. and Mrs. Pearson how the grill works.

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