Sunday, October 21, 2012

Better Than I Used to Be

I tend to take the privilege of prayer for granted or completely underestimate it. It's the one place I can say absolutely anything I want to and the one listening can take it and understand exactly what I'm trying to say. Heck, I don't even know what I'm saying some times but my God always knows and is able to put words behind my moanings. So why do I neglect prayer since it's the one place where I can let it all go?

Sadly for me the answer is, vulnerability and pride. I don't like being vulnerable (I'm sure you've heard me say this more than once). And secondly, pride - I like to feel like I can handle anything that comes my way with absolutely no help at all. I've faced some "soap opera" circumstances in my life and looking back I can truthfully say that I didn't rely on anyone else or ask anyone else for their help because I just knew that I had it under control. Was this the right attitude? Absolutely not! We are designed to need God and each other. That's how God means for it to be.

I'm getting better than I used to be. What does it take to improve? Lots of prayer and daily contact with my Jesus. God doesn't expect us to master our difficulties overnight. He understands it's a process. That's why we have the gift of prayer and His Word. Today I am so thankful that God understands me and is patient with me. I know that no matter how hardheaded or stubborn I can be He won't give up on me and He knows me so much better than I know myself.

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