Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Call To Prayer

I'm sure you have all heard by now that Obama won the Presidential election. Instead of deciding to rant and rave over the decision that has been made, it's in our best interest to go before Almighty God in prayer asking him to guide our nation. He is ultimately the only one in control and although things don't make sense sometimes God still has a plan and purpose for all that happens. Scripture tells us in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 to pray for kings and all those in authority. "Although God is all-powerful and all-knowing, he has chosen to let us help him change the world through our prayers. How this works is a mystery to us because of our limited understanding, but it is a reality. Paul urges us to pray for each other and for our leaders in government. Our earnest prayers will have powerful results. Paul's command to pray for kings was remarkable considering that Nero, a notoriously cruel ruler, was emperor at this time. When Paul wrote this letter, persecution was a growing threat to believers. Later, when Nero needed a scapegoat for the great fire that destroyed much of Rome in A.D. 64, he blamed the Roman Chrisitians so as to take the focus off himself. Then persecution erupted throughout the Roman empire. When are lives are going along peacefully and quietly, it is difficult to remember to pray for those in authority, beacuse we often take good government for granted. It's easier to remember to pray when we experience problems. But we should pray for those in authority around the world so that their societies will be conducive to the spread of the gospel." (NIV Application Study Bible notes)

We need unity in our nation so now is not the time to start throwing fits and saying you are not going to support our new President. I didn't vote for him, but through the sovereignty of God he got elected so I will do my best to pray for him and support him. If there was ever a time we needed to come together, it's now! Don't let Satan win this battle. He wants to see our nation divide over this, but I refuse to give in to that. Let's show the world how strong we are through Christ!

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