Monday, March 24, 2008

Back to Reality

Well, vacation is officially over. :( so sad! It's back to work and back to the same old routine for me. Although, I really do love my same old routine so it's really not that bad. :) Life is always an adventure with me anyway so it's definitely not boring. With an overly hyper 3 year old son and husband and crazy old me you know it's not boring. :)

Vacation was great! We spent 3 wonderful days in Galveston, Texas. It was so much fun. Joshua had a blast and was into absolutely everything. Just watching him and how excited he was made me have a great time. We visited an aquarium, a rain forest, went to some 3D movies, went to the beach, went swimming, played on the playground, jumped on the hotel beds (that was fun) and did whatever else we could think of. At the end of the 3 days there we were ready to head home and get some actual rest though. :) It's so weird that you go on vacation to get rested but it never really ends up that way. :) We spent Saturday and Sunday around the house and got caught up on our naps and relaxing then. Having my mother-in-law here with us just put icing on the cake. It was so nice having her here and be able to see her and talk to her face to face. I've missed the interaction with our families so much since we moved here. Just picking her up at the airport was so emotional for me, because I got to see a familiar face and know that we're not all alone here. Then, when we had to take her back to the airport to leave I thought me, Rodney and Joshua were going to just die. Joshua looked up at us and said, "no go nana. come back" Oh my word that just ripped us up. Rodney started crying and then seeing him and Joshua upset I just lost it. We did have a great week with her though. And, it was so nice spending that one on one time with her. I can't wait to head home to S.C. this summer and get to see everybody! I'm totally looking forward to that.

We had Easter dinner with 2 of our neighbors last night and that was so much fun. I go walking with 2 other ladies every morning and we decided that we would get our families together and have a big easter dinner since we were all away from family. It was great! We didn't leave until after 10pm last night. The guys were all playing video games, the kids were playing so good together and us ladies were just chatting away and loving every minute of it. :) We talked about how we should do this like every week... sort of like how families get together for Sunday dinner we should just create our own little tradition and spend sunday afternoons together each week. So, we're going to look into that and see how it goes. :)

Other than all that... we're hanging in there. Our house SOLD back in S.C. and the closing for that is next week! We are so excited about that. It's going to be so much better having that expense gone and being able to pay other stuff off with the finances we'll be getting back from the house. Things are just really starting to look up for us right now and I'm so glad because it's been a really tough past 4 months. It's nice to begin seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. :) My job is STILL WONDERFUL! Oh my word.. I just love it here and can't believe how fast I've caught on to what I need to do. It's definitely a blessing from God! :)

Well, I'll have some pictures of our vacation up by the end of the week. So, be looking out for those.

1 comment:

Tiffany Norris said...

Sounds like you had a great vacation! Hope to see you Thursday night!