Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Work and other stuff

I've had such a busy week AND I LOVE IT!!! It's so weird and funny but I've missed being busy, especially with work. I get to work in the morning and I seriously don't stop until it's time to go home. I have had to remind myself to go to lunch this week because I'm so busy that I just don't think about it. My new job is absolutely wonderful though. I can't believe how fast I'm catching on to everything. I've prayed every morning before going to work that the Lord would just give me focus and understanding as I'm learning so many new things and He has definitely done that.

All the girls I worked with back in the library have been so sweet. We all went out to dinner Monday night and had a blast. The monthly library staff meeting was this past tuesday and it was the first one without me so they all took the agenda sheet and signed it with really cute messages on it. I really miss working with Emily, but we're keeping in touch when we can. And, hopefully we will be able to do lunch periodically.

That's really about all I have going on. I don't have time for anything else this week. I'm going to do some work after Joshua goes to bed tonight just so I can study my notes from work and get caught up on some other things. Oh, and this weekend I get to go on a women's retreat with one of my neighbors and I'm really looking forward to some time away with the girls. That should be fun. :)

Well, I'm off to spend more time with my son and my hubby! Talk to you soon!

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