Monday, July 7, 2008

It's Monday!

Well, it's Monday and back to work for me. :( We had such a nice weekend. We didn't do much at all. We just hung around and enjoyed some nice quiet family time. We're still trying to potty train Joshua so we had him run around naked this weekend. I figured if I could get him used to the "oh, i have to go potty" feeling then I can go from there and use big boy underwear. So, we'll see how that goes. We're going to try some big boy underwear tonight and see how he does. I know it's just a process of him learning to go, so we've just got to be patient with him.

It's been so HOT here. This weekend was just miserably hot! You walk outside and it literally takes your breathe away. So, we've been hanging out in the house and over at the pool.

We watched some of the Olympic trials this weekend and when we were watching the gymnastics Joshua jumped up and said I want to do that. So, him and his little naked butt jumped up and did all the little hand motions that the gymnast do before they do their jumps and then he would turn a flip on the floor. He was so cute doing his little routine. Then, everytime he would finish his "routine" he would run over to me and give me this great big hug and he would say, "it's hug time." I asked him why we had hug time and he said it was because the people on TV had hug time. He's so observant. Everytime the gymnast would finish they would go give their coaches a hug, so Joshua just thought that he should do that too. He's sooooo funny and of course, I totally enjoyed hug time. :)

So, tonight I guess it's back to the pool and then we'll go home and have some fun there too.

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