Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Update on US

Here's a little update on how we're all doing here in HOT Texas! Oh my word, the heat is crazzzzyyyyy! We've gotten into the habit of going home after work and school, putting our bathing suits on and heading over to the RAC to go swimming. The recreational center on campus has a huge indoor swimming pool and it's been so nice to just go over there and relax after a long day. It's not even 3 minutes away from our house so that makes it even better. And, of course Joshua absolutely loves it. We can't tell him we're going until after he eats his dinner because he won't eat if we tell him ahead of time. He's getting so much better with his swimming and has gotten over his fear of the water. He's going to take swim lessons in August at the YMCA. I can't wait to see how much he learns.

Rodney finished up one of his summer classes today and begins his next class on the 7th. Then he'll have about a 2 week break before fall classes start and he's taking 16credit hours then. He's going to be very busy!

Work is still going really good for me. I've been extremely busy so far this summer. But, it's good because I like to keep moving so the day goes by faster. :) I'm still doing weight watchers and have lost 11.6 pounds so far. So, I'm very excited about that. I have clothes that are too big for me now, which is just totally awesome!

Joshua is doing great! He's into EVERYTHING, of course. His little 3 year old body doesn't slow down until his head hits the pillow every night. He's back into racing and those big monster jam trucks. He's definitely a little boy all the way through. :)

Well, I'll be in touch! Love ya'll!

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