Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Swim Lessons

Joshua started swim lessons yesterday and boy did it get off to a rocky start. Yesterday, he absolutely refused to get in the pool. He was ready to get out of there. Poor Rodney was so worn out by the time they got home. He told me I was definitely going to go today. At first Joshua was real whiney and didn't want to do it. But, I decided I would sit with him on the side of the pool with his class and that helped. He actually sat down with his class, which was a huge improvement from yesterday. However, mommy wasn't expecting to get all wet so I just wore my capri pants and a t-shirt. Needless to say I was soaked by the end of the lessons but it was totally worth it. Joshua got in the pool with his teacher and did what his teacher asked him to do. Joshua would cry at first, but when he saw he could trust his teacher and that he was ok, he had a blast. Here are a few pictures. I'll take more and keep adding them. His lessons are for the next 2 weeks.

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