Thursday, July 26, 2007


It's been a crazy, busy week. Rodney is down in his back and can barely walk without hurting, so he's totally out of comission. Which means, SUPER WIFE (tatatadaaaa) and SUPER MOMMY (tatatadaaaa) has had to come out. I am just so thankful that today is Thursday and I don't have to work tomorrow so I can have a looonnnggg weekend to do absolutely nothing. :) I don't know what Rodney is going to do if he isn't feeling better by next week. He is suppose to leave for a 1o day mission trip to Nicaragua next Wednesday. Now, of course I'd love it if he stays home because I hate being without him. :( But... I think this is just one thing satan is using to discourage Rodney and make him doubt whether or not he should go. I know that ultimately the Lord's will, will happen so we can rest assured in that.

Other than that we don't have much going on. Just working and staying caught up on everything else. Joshua is doing great, so that's always wonderful. He's starting to talk more and is saying a lot more words. I'm amazed at how much he's grown just in the past couple of months. He sure does make life fun. He's so cute at night, because he's got his routine down to a science. He takes a bubble bath, puts his lotion on (the boy loves putting lotion on), puts his jammies on, and then we go and dry his hair. He gets so excited when it's time to dry his hair, he just loves it. Then we go back downstairs and he gets like 5 or 6 books and wants to read every one of them before he goes to bed. So, he gets his blankie, climbs into my lap and we read... and read... and read.. But, you know I'm just cherishing every single moment I get with him. I'd sit and read 100 books with him if he wanted because I just want to enjoy this season of life to the fullest with him. There will come a day when he won't want to sit in my lap and read with me, so I'm not going to miss a night of it until then. :)

I think that's the problem with most parents. We rush our kids to grow up or we get frustrated because they want to do something that keeps us from what we wanted to do so we just brush them off, and we miss out on the small, yet most meaningful times with them.

Oh Lord, help us to slow down and spend time with our kids. They are gifts to us, from You. Remind us to cherish them and love them for the small amount of time we have them.

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