Friday, July 27, 2007


IT'S FRIDAY!! Thank goodness! We are heading over to Nana and Papa's today. Joshua is so excited. He loves going over there. He gets to swim in their inground pool, or his little kiddie pool, or the HOT TUB (my favorite). He automatically turns into a fish everytime we go over there. And, it's always so relaxing to be over there with them. I just love them so much and am so lucky to have such great in-laws.

I was reading my devotion this morning and it's so neat how God always gives us exactly what we need, for such a time as this. I read from Romans 8:26, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." I'm definitely in a season of my life that I really don't know how or what to pray for. I'm not sure what to be asking God for other than his will for my life. So, this verse brings great comfort. I know that the Spirit of God understands my circumstances and is asking God for exactly what I need.

I love how Beth Moore pictures this in her Whispers of Hope devotional. She says, "Imagine this poignant scene. The child of God musters her last bit of strength to collapse before the throne of God. Words do not come - just groanings. They are not her groanings, though they emerge from so deep within, she thinks they are hers. The Spirit of God searches her heart, gathers her pain, and lifts it to the Father of all comfort. The Spirit of God, knowing both the depth of her agony and the will of the Father, can bring forth glory from even this. He insists that the Father usher overflowing comfort. He urges the child to let the Father have his way. He prays for things she could not bear to pray - that she lacks the courage to pray. He prays for glory."

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