Monday, January 19, 2009

Let It Begin In ME!

Our Pastor is preaching a sermon series on revival and it has been absolutely amazing! The Lord is really moving in our church and it's so neat to be a part of it. Sunday was one of the most moving services I've been in for quite a while. The altar was full, and people were genuinely dealing with their relationship with God. It's exciting to see because that is where it all begins. And, my prayer is "Lord, let it begin in me!" I want my life to reflect Him and I want to instill that same desire in to my son. In my prayer times and quiet times with the Lord, I feel him calling me to a new task as a mom. Beginning tomorrow morning me and Joshua are going to start reading a morning devotional out of his toddler Bible and begin our day with reading the Word of God and praying together before our day gets started. I'm excited to see how the Lord is going to use this in my life and in Joshua's life. Even at age 3 I see Joshua's eagerness to learn and he remembers the stories we read about Jesus. I want to nurture that and it's my prayer that Joshua will come to know Jesus as his personal Savior at an early age so that he will have his whole life to live fully to the Glory of Christ!

As a mom I want so much for Joshua, but there is nothing I want for him more than him having a relationship with Christ. And, it's my job to show him how great and awesome our Savior is so that he will want to know Him. So, again, my prayer is this, "Lord, let it begin in me!"

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