Friday, January 16, 2009

A Wild Week

It's been a tough, tough week here in Texas. Joshua is recovering slowly from surgery. He's doing great other than still waking up at night with pain. So, we are all still sleep deprived but surviving. With the economy the way it is businesses are experiencing lay-off's and the Seminary has been affected by this as well. I had to be a part of telling six employees this week that they no longer had a job. This is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. These are not only co-workers but friends, and my heart is still broken over seeing them go. I know that ultimately the Lord's plan will prevail. And, I know that he has plans for all six of these and I thank God for that, but the hurt of watching them go through this is difficult. Needless to say I'm looking forward to the weekend. I just want to stay home with my pj's on and do absolutely nothing all weekend. I'm sure that won't happen, but I can at least dream about it. :)

Rodney started classes this week as well. He's off to a good start and really likes his classes so that's good. Starting next Tuesday night Rodney will be at school every Tuesday night from 6-9 for the next year, maybe two. He is starting his practicum where he gets to be hands on with counseling people. He is so excited about it. It is what he loves to do and he is so great at it so I know he's going to enjoy it very much. Me and Joshua will be Tuesday night buddies for a while. So, that ought to be a lot of fun too. :)

Well, that's just a quick update on where we are and what we're doing. I'll check back soon.


Nicole said...
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Barb said...

It has certainly been a long and hard week,one of the hardest since I've been at SWBTS. I've been praying for you, and will continue to do so. I'm sure you handled things as well as could be expected this week, and everyone knows it wasn't your choice to let people go.