Friday, August 20, 2010

First Day of School!!!

Today was Joshua's first day of Kindergarden!!! Here's a picture of my handsome little man getting in the car to go to school this morning.

I really like how his teachers had things organized for these first days of school. Yesterday was the official first day of school but they split the class and had some of them come yesterday and then the rest of the kids came today, and the ones that came yesterday stayed home today. This way they could help the kids go through the routine slowly and really comprehend what they will be doing on a day to day basis. The whole class will be together on Monday, so that ought to be real exciting. Joshua has 17 kids in his class.

This sign was right outside Joshua's classroom this morning welcoming the kids to school. They lined up the kids and parents outside the classroom door and brought the kids in one at a time. They would go in the classroom (without mommy and daddy), find their cubby, put their backpack and lunch box away, and then they would come back to tell mommy and daddy goodbye for the day. I thought that was a pretty neat way to do it so you don't have 10 kids running in at one time trying to find their stuff.

I managed not to cry at the school, but had a few teary eyed moments once I got back home. I think the hardest thing was first of all, realizing my son is growing up FOR REAL! It's easy to think of them still being babies when they are 4 and younger but boy that first day of real school will shock you as to how much they have grown up.

I missed Joshua so much today. The house was so quiet and I just didn't know what to do with my time. The day seemed to go by sooooo slow and I could not wait to go pick up Joshua.

FINALLY, it was time to go pick up my little man!! Me and Rodney went to get him and had his favorite drink (SWEET TEA) and snack (M&M's) ready for him in the car.

We heard the announcement over the intercom dismissing the car riders and moments later we saw JOSHUA!!!! (That's him with the blue lunchbox) He walked out and when he spotted us he started waving and had a smile on his face from ear to ear! He was so stinkin cute!!!
YAY!!! My little kindergardener had a great first day! I'm so proud of him!!
We surprised Joshua by having a "WAY TO GO JOSHUA" cake for him when he got home. We wanted to celebrate him being such a big boy and going to big boy school today. He LOVED his cake. He said, "WOW, is that whole cake for me?" And then he put his finger in the icing and as you can see below he started eating it up. There was no need for forks. He said to me and Rodney, "Thanks Mommy, Thanks Daddy for the cake. It's delicious."

I asked Joshua what was one thing he was looking forward to about going back to school on Monday. He said, "I'll get to walk in all by myself. You and daddy will stay in the car next time." SUCH A NUT!!! He wanted to walk in by himself this morning, but mommy was not ready for that and I didn't want to miss his first day so he agreed to let me go this one time. (haha) He's growing up so fast and becoming so independent. I'm looking forward to this school year and all the fun times it will bring. I know there will probably be some tough days too, BUT, I choose to focus on the good and stay positive. You only get to go through this stage once and I want him to enjoy it to the fullest!

Well, this mommy is off to bed now. It's been a very draining day... getting up earlier than usual and being emotional will exhaust you. :)

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