Monday, June 18, 2007

It is soooooo totally a Monday... but that's ok

It's MONDAY!! Don't everyone scream at once, now. ;o)

It's going to be a crazy busy week. We have Vacation Bible School at church this week. So, my schedule will consist of getting to work, getting off at 5, picking up Joshua and going straight to church for dinner and VBS. Then, getting home at 9pm, doing a load of laundry, putting Josh to bed and starting all over again. But, you know as I write this out and think about how crazy it's going to be, I am more overwhelmed by the fact that God is going to work in these children's lives this week and I get to be a part of it. Of course, I'll be exhausted at the end of the week. But, my spirit will be so excited and energized. A little girl closed in prayer last night at VBS and she was soooooo cute! She simply thanked God for all the things he has made and the things he gives to her. It's nice to be taken back to the simplicity of our salvation.

Pray for us as we minister to these precious children this week. But, most of all pray that God will move and pour his unfailing love out to each child present.


Carol said...

Courtney, your blog is so cute! I love reading about your life. And thank you for the verses on the top of your blog. I NEEDED to read those verses today, and I know it was not a coincidence that you emailed me today to look at your blog. God is cool, huh? Love you! Let's get together SOON. :o)

Anonymous said...

awww...I love my sister and her family. I like the pictures on the side.