Saturday, April 17, 2010

10K Fort Worth Zoo Run

Today was the Fort Worth Zoo Run. We put together a team of 10 to run the 10K and had a blast together this morning. The crowd was so big we didn't get to see our whole team, but here's four of us that started together and rallied each other through the finish line. And, oh yes it was still DARK when we got there this morning. The race started at 7:00am so we had to get there and get parked early so we could be in the starting line on time. We got there around 5:45am. The parking lots fill up fast so you have to get there early so you don't miss the race.

Striking a stretching pose before the race. :)

Jumping Jacks

Playing with Joshua before the race. In the starting line with some of the rest of our team. We were only missing 3 team members.
Let's Go! RUN RUN RUN! Starting the race.
The Finish Line was in sight!! Joshua was waiting to join me on the last little stretch of the race so he could cross the finish line with me. It was a very precious moment!
Look close and you'll see me and Joshua crossing the finish line. I can't wait to see the close up pictures the race officials took! I'm going to definitely have to order one of those.
After the race - all hot, sweaty and WET! It rained on us during the last mile of the race.
It sure did feel good though.
Me and Tricia! This was our last race together! We've run all our races together since we both started running and we've trained together just about every Saturday morning. Since we're moving back to SC in May this was our last race together. It was very bittersweet! I'm going to really miss her encouragment and our running times together.
Being silly with Amy and Brian after the race!
Oh yeah! You know we rock!! :)

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