Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Rough Morning Run

Me and Tricia meet around 10 every Saturday morning to go run the Trinity Trails. We've been doing this since the end of January and have a great time running together. This morning, however, was ROUGH for me. Our goal was to run 5 miles. When we had just finished running 2.5 miles I hit a wall, BIG TIME. In all the time we've been running together I have NEVER stopped before we hit our target mileage, but I had to stop today and walk for a little while. I was so mad at myself. Tricia was so sweet and kept encouraging me.

I've been sitting here trying to figure out what went wrong all morning and it's driving me nuts. I really let myself down by not finishing out the run. I did end up running 3 miles and walking 2 miles so we were able to hit our 5 mile goal for today, but having to stop and walk some of it has me really flustered. Even though I know it's stupid to feel bad about this... I feel like a failure when I have to walk during my run. But, at least this is the first time it's happened.

Today is the first day I've run in weather hotter than about 50-55 degrees, so I think that may have had a lot to do with it. I had my water with me, but I think the heat was zapping the water out of me faster than I could get it in. I also overslept this morning and didn't wake up until 9:30 and was meeting Tricia at 10, so there was no time for breakfast. I usually do fine on runs less than 6 miles without having breakfast but there were too many other things going on and it just made it worse.

Our next race is in 2 weeks on April 17th. Me, Tricia and about 7 other people from work are running the Fort Worth Zoo Run together. I'm super excited about it and so glad I get to run one more race with Tricia before we move back to South Carolina. I'm going to really miss my running buddy.

Me and Tricia after we finished the Cowtown half-marathon!

Me finishing the Fort Worth Half-Marathon
And, trust trying to remind myself that it's okay to have a bad training day every now and then! At least I'm pressing forward and not giving up. And, if I can run 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 17 minutes I know I can keep going!!!!!

1 comment:

Shortcake said...

At least we got out there and did it! I'm so glad and it was a beautiful day. You've come so far and I'm proud of all your hard work! I'm really looking forward to our Zoo Run in less than 2 weeks now!