Sunday, September 16, 2007


The painting is officially done!!! :)

We have finished painting all the rooms that needed it to get our house on the market. Rodney is calling our realtor tomorrow and hopefully... keep your fingers crossed... the house will be on the market by the end of the week. I've boxed up tons of stuff this weekend also. So, that's great. I can't believe we've got it all done. I'm so stinkin TIRED... but excited to be moving forward. My sister in law came over this weekend with her family and helped us so much. Oh my word, I'm so thankful for them. Now, I need to go to work tomorrow so I can rest. (LOL)

Keep praying for us though. Rodney has his resume out and is getting some responses so that's totally awesome. Just pray that we will really seek the face of God and allow him to lead us wherever He's calling. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the here and now and I don't want to miss God and His perfect will in this whole situation.

But, Elisabeth.... I'm keeping my fingers crossed.. ;) You know what I'm talking about. ;)

Nighty Night my precious friends. I'm BEAT and it's totally time for BED..


Liz said...

That's fast work painting! Wanna come paint my house? :) Keep me updated...still praying for ya'll.

A Place For Ministry Wives/A Place For Me said...

God will not fail you. He'll send you to the place He wants you to be for the next season of your life. And this, too, shall pass...