Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Yes, I'm still Here

My post have been so on and off again. I feel like I just don't have any time to write anymore.

Joshua was sick this weekend, running a high fever and all so I was busy keeping him comfortable and hydrated while painting and packing. Sounds like fun, huh? Life is so busy right now and I am just ready to get out of this whirlwind and have some calm for a while.

Other than that, we are doing really good. Just doing a lot of praying and practicing our faith right now. :) But, God is good. He is really upholding us and keeping our spirits high during this difficult time. We have our moments when all the stress builds up and we just loose it, but it's really not that often... thank goodness. And, it's mostly me loosing it. :)

You know, this will probably sound silly but when I get stressed out to the max I just look at Joshua and see how he just takes one day at a time and just goes with the flow. I know why Jesus tells us to be like the children.

Thanks for all your prayers and encouragment. I love ya'll!!!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I hope you have a good weekend. Is Rodney's back any better?