Wednesday, August 8, 2007

2 year old + Restaurant = Total Disaster

I tell ya what I'm not taking Joshua back out to a restaurant until he is 30!!! I try to give him credit and think he'll do ok, but it always ends up in disaster. He ends up screaming, getting out of his chair, running around, or something. My sister in law's birthday is today and her husband was throwing a surprise party for her so we were all there and when we sat down to eat Joshua was just awful. So, I got up and tried to calm him down but he was having none of that. So, we came home.

Oh well... guess it's good ol' homecookin for a while. Because I'm definitely not doing that again for a long long time. :)

wheewwww... just had to get that off my chest! : )

1 comment:

mandy said...

my nephew is 2+ and he's a HANDFUL at restaurants...
his new hobby is going to "for-real" mexican restaurants and saying to the waitress: "Hola, bring the taco."...
he's tow headed & blue eyed.
LOL!!!!! the wait-staff LOVE it!
found you through LPM blog.
blessings today.