Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Reliance upon God


Verse 8: "You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle."

This is a huge comfort to me right now. Knowing that God cares enough to catch my tears and hold them in his hand. In my Bible notes it says that sometimes, in the ancient East, mourners would catch their tears in bottles and place them at the tombs of their loved ones. I really believe God mourns with us, cries with us, and his heart breaks when our heart breaks. He is our Father and when a father sees his child hurting, he hurts too. I picture my Heavenly Father comforting me and reassuring me and at the same time telling the ones trying to come up against me to leave me alone. Enough is enough! Why is it that people like to attack you for no specific reason? They just think it's ok to hurt you because you're not the way they want you to be.

I'll tell you something right now though, I'm getting just about sick of it and am getting to the point where I want to fight back. I wonder if that's not why David says at the very beginning of Psalm 56 and 57, "Be gracious to me, O God; Be merciful to me, O God". I think David might be saying, ok Lord, I'm ready to take these people out on my own BUT please be gracious and merciful to me as I have these thoughts and help me to remember You are in control. It's so easy to want to take things into your own control, but you know what, I'm not going to do that in this situation. I'm going to let God deal with these people. I'm going to let him fix this situation. The only thing I need to focus on right now is keeping myself and my attitude in such a way that will bring honor and glory to Christ when all is said and done.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I will keep you in my prayers. If there is anything specific to pray for, let me know. When does Rodney come home? I bet you can't wait!