Monday, August 13, 2007

Tough Times

Everything is official now and reality is starting to set in. Rodney resigned from the youth ministry at Sandy Level yesterday. It feels so weird knowing we won't be there anymore. The youth are all shocked and some are pretty angry about the whole situation. I wish there was something more I could do for them, but I'm not even sure how to deal with all of this myself. I keep telling myself that God is in control! And, even though it sounds simple, it's really what's getting me through this so far. I have no idea what our future holds. This is not something we saw coming so it's hard to know what to do or where to go.

Please remember us in your prayers. I think our next step is to get our house on the market and try to sale it. We need to begin eliminating some dept since Rodney's pay stops in November. Also, pray that we won't give up and that we will daily remember God is in this! We want His will for our lives, wherever that may be.


The Davis Family said...

Oh dear. This doesn't really sound good. I feel like I've missed a year on your blog this past week. You've got a lot going on!

Before I forget, re: Joshua and eating out. I take little play doughs and little cookie cutters for Riley to play with at restaurants. If it gets dirty, I just throw it away. Kids don't really know what to do with crayons at that age and they just roll off the table. I don't know how close he is to 2 or 3, but another idea is 10 small leggos to put together.

As for Rodney's doesn't sound like this is an amicable parting given your prior blogs on coming storms. Sean and I have had some painful experiences working in non-profit. Specfically me working for World Vision. I was so angry and violated and it took years for me to work through what happened. Being involved in a work that is the very foundation of everything you believe about life is rewarding, but it can be difficult to navigate through conflicting issues. I will be praying for your family. I hope that whatever happens, your family will not be robbed of their spiritual strength or passion for God, or even your joy in each other. I let what happened to us nearly destroy our family and I can say in hindsight...nothing is worth that. Rodney has a lot of integrity and God will use this and move you on to better things even if it's not what you expected or planned.

~ Cat
PS: we had our baby on August 3rd and pictures and stats are posted at

Liz said...

As always, we are praying for you and your family. Mondays are our "off days" but we can switch if a different day is better for you. Let's get together in the next week or two...