Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hanging On

Please pray for us tomorrow. We have a realtor coming to look at our house tomorrow afternoon. I am totally not looking forward to this for the simple fact of I'm not ready to let go of my home. I hate having to do this, but we have no choice. With Rodney's pay ending in November there is no way with all our other bills that we can keep the house. So, please please pray for us. This is so hard!! Anytime I think of moving it brings back bad memories from my childhood and I really don't want all that stuff resurfacing.

1 comment:

kat said...


I want you to know that I am praying for you. As another in ministry who has been hurt thru it deeply I can say I understand, and also encourage you to keep holding on to the Father, I am proof he will carry you through and can say will full assurance He is faithful.
And at times I don't know how I would have made it if it weren't for the Lord.

a sister in Christ,