Monday, August 6, 2007

The Storm Is Coming

Have you ever stood off and watched a storm approach?? It's a really neat thing as you sit there and watch the clouds move closer and closer bringing the rain, wind, lightening, thunder, etc, while right where you are standing it's calm and dry. Yes, you know the storm is coming... you can see it.. the wind is starting to blow a little harder and you can feel the mist from the hard rain heading your way. I feel like I'm standing on the edge of the storm in my life right now. It hasn't hit full force yet, but it's inevitable, I'm going to get wet really soon. I can't disclose what's happening just yet but I'm writing this pleading with you to please pray for me. The days ahead are going to be very stormy and I hate storms. I don't do well with them at all. Pray that I will remember I'm not alone in the storm, that God is with me and will not leave me no matter how hard things seem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And, no matter what, praise Him IN the storm. Let Him use your weakness for His strength and let Him use you as a shining light to the dark world. Our goal in pain or pleasure is His glory.

Just thought I share my two cents.