Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Be Still Courtney....

I was listening to the song "Still" by Hillsong (which is on my playlist below, if you want to hear it) and the Lord so gently spoke to me and said, "Be still, Courtney, and know that I am your God." In the midst of all we've been facing that's the one thing I've needed to do is just be still and remember God is in control of everything going on and He is going to use it for His ultimate glory. As I looked at Psalm 46:10 the Lord really directed me to the second part of the verse which says, "I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." This I know for sure, God will be exalted through every circumstance/situation that comes my way. It may not make sense right away, but there is a peace that comes in knowing that the end result of even the most horrible of situations will bring Glory to God! Isn't that why we have life... to bring Glory to Christ in all we say and do? I just praise Him that He is working in my life and drawing me closer and closer to Himself.

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