Saturday, November 24, 2007

Driving in Texas

Ok, so this isn't my official we've moved to Texas post but I had to share my first driving experience in Texas with everybody. I've been letting Rodney drive everywhere since I feel so out of sorts and have no clue where I am. But, I decided that I would give it a whirl tonight and see how I did in Texas traffic. And, believe me traffic is an understatement. There are so many people here. Well, back to the story. We were leaving Lowes and I knew I had to make a left hand turn to get back to the interstate but instead of looking at the OBVIOUS traffic sign that said, ONE WAY I decided to make it my personal one way street. THANK THE LORD there were no cars coming. I made the quickest Uturn of my life. Rodney was speechless and just held on dearly to his seatbelt, and then kept reminding me all the way home which way I needed to turn and NOT to turn.

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