Saturday, November 3, 2007

Texas Bound - November 16th

Well, I got a call from Southwestern Seminary and they have offered me a job. WOW>>> WOW>>> WOW

I never would have thought back in July, when we received the news that Rodney was being asked to resign as youth minister at sandy level that this is where I would be now. For so many months I was so devastated and just plain angry. But, God has opened so many new doors for us and if you ask me He's just starting to "SHOW OFF" a little. (LOL, just kidding) I'm so excited and through this whole thing I'm falling more and more in love with my Savior!! He is truly amazing.

Rodney will be able to attend school absolutely free since I got this job. God is truly blessing us and has turned what started out as an awful situation into something wonderful.

Pray for us, because this job offer was for an immediate position. They want me there this month. We've gone through every possible scenerio and feel like leaving on the 16th, even though we will miss Thanksgiving with our families, is the best way to go. And, also just pray that we will be able to really focus and get everything ready to move.

TEXAS BOUND!!! Thank you, Jesus!