Monday, December 31, 2007


Well, here we are on the brink of beginning a brand new year! And of course as we think of the new year we always think what resolution am I going to make this year. I've been thinking about a couple of things I'd like to do or accomplish so I thought what better place to share them than on my blog. :)

1- Be more consistent in my time with God!!!

Spending time with God always makes a huge difference in my day! There are just some days that I simply don't make time for Him. I want this to change and to spend time with Him daily!

2- Share my faith and lead at least 2 people to faith in Christ.

Sharing our faith should a part of our daily lives. I don't know about you, but sometimes that scares me half to death. But, I want to get to the point where that's not true. I want to share my faith like I would share anything else.

3- Pray with my husband every night before bed.

We used to do this very consisently and it really drew us closer together.

4- Become actively involved in a women's ministry.

God has placed a very special calling on my life in this area. I want this to be the year that I begin to pratice the gifts he's given me for this ministry.

5- Last, but not least! Yes, I want to lose weight. :)

So, there's mine! I'm really focused on my spiritual life right now. I've not been as consistent as I have needed to be and I have not relied on God as much as I should. It's just so tough sometimes. But, the truth is, God is the only reason I've made it this far in my life. Without Him, I don't even want to think of where I may have ended up.

To God Be The Glory for the Great Things He Has Done!

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