Thursday, December 6, 2007

Knowing and Loving

I'm reading a book right now called, Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. The whole book is centered around the topic: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality. It is said of Donald Miller to be a man who writes out of a postion of total commitment to God, but still sounds as if he his being human and honest. I LOVE THIS!! I don't know about you but I'm tired of Christians who walk around and THINK they have this christian life all figured out and think that they are better than anyone else. Who are we to think that way? We are merely human beings, that by the grace of God, have been saved through faith. I definitely don't have this Christian Walk all figured out and I will never pretend to. I don't know that I'll ever come to a complete understanding of Christianity on this side of Heaven. There are tons of things I don't understand but this I know: Christ is my Savior and it is for Him that I'm going to live this life.

Donald Miller makes a comment in his book that I firmly believe is something we need to examine in our own hearts and lives. Here's the comment: "I didn't love God because I didn't know God." How can we truly love someone that we don't know? Our problem is that we are not taking enough time to get to know God. It can be done!! It's not something that is far from us. But, we have got to take the time out of our "busy" lives and spend it with Him.

Trust me, I'm totally speaking to myself here too. I get so caught up in day to day life that there are days I don't even talk to God, and I hate that because I enjoy my time with Him.

I guess I say all this to say: Let's truly take the time to get to know God. He wants to change our lives! He wants to give us purpose and meaning. But, we have to take the first step in WANTING Him to change our lives and give us purpose and meaning.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I've read that book and totally loved it. I'm actually going through a tough time right now with the spending time with God part. Deep down, I desperately want to know Him more. But then I just can't seem to make myself sit down and spend time with Him. Anyways, great blog and great reminder! Thanks!