Saturday, December 8, 2007

Santa Picture

OK, so I have to explain the not so "elegant" santa picture for this year. Joshua has totally not been about any sort of "professional" picture taking for quite some time now. I mean we are talking NOT happening. :( Well, we decided Thursday night we would go out to the Hulen Mall and have dinner, walk around, let Joshua play in their indoor play area for little kids and just hang out. Joshua was having a BLAST! Then, all of a sudden I asked him, thinking he would say NO, if he wanted to get his picture taken with Santa. To my surprise, he was like, "YES!" He was all sweaty from playing in the little playground area and dirty from eating dinner, and totally not wearing "santa picture" clothes. But, he was READY! So, we went, got his picture taken and have now been able to make another wonderful, funny memory with Joshua. :) He sat down right next to Santa and just started talking to him. He said, "Santa, I want a truck, A BIG Truck, Santa." Santa was like, OK at least we don't have to guess on what you want this year. (hahahaha) It was so stinkin funny. He sat there and talked to Santa for like 5 minutes nonstop. It was ADORABLE!!!

So, Joshua doesn't "look like" he was ready for a Santa picture, but trust me since he wanted his picture taken we were getting the picture taken. :) And, for all of you that know Joshua totally know that this picture couldn't describe him any better. That's my little man!

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