Tuesday, April 29, 2008

food for thought....

I was journaling a little bit this afternoon and wanted to share a little bit of what I wrote. It sort of picks up in the middle of what I was journaling about but I think you will still get the point of what I was writing:

"As I'm writing I can't help but think how awesome it is to have a friend like God. I know He is so much more than that, but I truly value His friendship. I can be completely, 100% honest with Him and He never thinks differently of me. Even if in my honesty I'm dead wrong, He still listens and understands. There are not many people we can talk to like that and them not start judging us right off. When I am hurting or just need to talk the last thing I want to have to worry about is the person I'm talking to judging me. And, with God I never have to worry about that. He is a true, perfect friend."

I don't know about you but that really, really encourages me.

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