Wednesday, April 30, 2008

negative people & counting your blessings

Why do people have to be so negative? It seems like everytime I turn around lately someone is being negative and not even trying to see the good in anything. Call me crazy if you want, but I refuse to get bogged down in the negative. I'm going to do my best to find the best... the positive in everything. Yes, there are situations and circumstances in my life that for lack of a better word "suck". But, I will not allow myself to only focus on those things. Life is too short to dwell only on the negative. Look around at the blessings God has poured out on us. I'm reminded of the old hymn, "Count Your Blessings".

Verse 1

When upon life's billows You are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged Thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings Name them one by one,
And it will surprise you What the Lord hath done.


Count your blessings Name them one by one.
Count your blessings See what God hath done.
Count your blessings Name them one by one.
Count your many blessings See what God hath done.

Verse 2

Are you ever burdened With a load of care,
Does the cross seem heavy You are called to bear.
Count your many blessings Every doubt will fly,
And you will be singing As the days go by.

Verse 3

When you look at others With their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised You His wealth untold.
Count your many blessings Money cannot buy,
Your reward in heaven Nor your home on high.

Verse 4

So amid the conflict Whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged God is over all.
Count your many blessings Angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you To your journey's end.
Words by Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1856-1922
Music by Edwin O. Excell, 1851-1921

It's an old hymn but such a powerful message that I think we can use a good dose of every now and then.

Sorry, I'm just on a writing fix here lately and anything and everything that comes to mind I just have to get out before I lose it. :)It feels so good to be out of my "writers block". I'm getting back in the swing of things, praise the Lord!

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