Sunday, April 6, 2008

Future Ministry Plans

Well, let's just say that the whole goal of me writing some sort of "letter" everyday for the month of April isn't really going to happen. Life is so darn busy and by the end of the day I just can't muster up the strength to "think". :)(see April 1 blog to find out what in the world I'm talking about.)

I am going to pick up from my last blog though and share a few things with ya'll.

If you really know me you know that for quite some time now (like 10 years) I've been moving towards the goal of becoming a women's motivational/teacher; speaker. Well, after waiting 10 years for this to move beyond teaching Sunday School, small group bible studies, being a camp counselor and stuff like that (which I loved every minute of), I think I'm finally at a point of where I'm ready to expand this into a public speaking venue. I'm partly sharing this with all you because it will hold me accountable to move forward and pursue this and partly because this is my heart and this is who I am and I'm tired and not doing anything about it. At the very center of who Christ has created me to be I'm a teacher/speaker. This is something I'm totally confident in through Christ and it's something that He has instilled and me and won't leave me alone about. :) If you ever want to know how Christ is calling you to something, let me just tell you; if it's something that keeps running and running and running through your mind, is constantly on your heart and something that He just won't leave you alone about then you can be pretty sure that He's trying to get your attention in regards to whatever it is He keeps bringing up. For the past 10 years I've known without a doubt that Christ was calling me into this sort of ministry, but it hasn't been until recently that I've felt like it was time to actually move forward with it. God has used the past 10 years of my life to teach me and mature me for this time. I am so thrilled about what this is going to mean for me and my family.

My first goal is to have my very first speaking engagement be in my hometown of Lancaster, S.C. This would be so awesome. I want the first time that I actually lead a women's retreat weekend for it to be at "home" so my granny and my momma can be there. They mean the world to me and I can't imagine them not being there. And, since Lancaster is so close to the rest of my family they can be there too. :)

Another reason I'm sharing this here is because I'm going to need lots of prayers. :) Through my relationship with Christ I am beyond confident that it is Him who is calling me and I know that through Him I will be equipped for every good work that He is calling me to. I wish I could put into words the confidence that Christ has so peacefully put on my heart about this. My relationship with Christ has carried me so far and through so many things and to be able to take these things and share them with other women is so exciting. But, what it really comes down to is that I want women to begin experiencing the amazing love of Christ that he offers to each and every one of us every second of every day. His love, His peace, His joy that He alone can give us will totally revolutionize our lives if we let it.

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