Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Little Williams Update

Well, the semester is almost over. Rodney has a week and a half left and our first semester in seminary is OVER! :) It's definitely been a whirlwind of a semester with just moving here and getting into the routine of me working and Rodney going to school full time and spending as much time as possible with Joshua. But, by the grace of God we've made it and things are getting better and better. Rodney is ending up the semester with A's and B's in all his classes. He's done so well and I'm so proud of him. Joshua continues to do wonderful as well. He is soooo funny. I just can't stress that enough. He has a great sense of humor and can always find a way to make us laugh. I'm still loving my job at the seminary. I work with some great people and couldn't ask for a better working environment.

Through this crazy, transition time semester God has been good and faithful to us. He has confirmed His call on our lives over and over through everything He's done for us. I know without a doubt that we are where God wants us and to be honest there is no better place I'd rather be than right in the middle of His plan for our life.

I had such a proud mommy moment the other night that I just have to share with you. Joshua was playing with his cars and trucks the other day and like he usually does with them, the cars and trucks were talking to each other. (Joshua has a great imagination) Well, as I was listening this is the conversation I heard between the car and truck. :)

Truck: "It's time for church"
Car: "otay, let's go have fun at fun church"
Truck: "We learn about Jesus"
Car: "otay"

My heart just melted. Just the pure fact that my 3 year old son is talking about church and Jesus lets me know that he is getting it and even though he's so young he is beginning to understand what church is. I heard him tell someone the other day that church was God's house. I just praise the Lord for this. I want nothing more for my son than for him to follow God's plan for his life. Joshua is so very special and I know God has great plans for him. Joshua's prayers have been developing into more than one or two sentences lately. He'll just go on and on thanking God for all kinds of things. It's so precious to listen to him talk to God.

Well, that's just a little update on what's going on with the 3 of us. It's not much, but we are happy, healthy and blessed so that's all that matters. :)

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