Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hello World

A couple of days ago I posted a post about my future ministry plans. Well, the other night I was checking my "my space" account and saw that I had a message from my uncle's wife. Now, normally that wouldn't be a weird/crazy thing, but I had been thinking about getting in touch with her that whole day and asking about some opportunities her church might have for me to speak. In her message she was telling me that she has a women's ministry in her church and that she is suppose to plan something in October of this year and asked if I would come and speak at their women's retreat. WOWIE... WOWIE.... You can't tell me that wasn't a God thing. I am so excited about this confirmation from the Lord. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am about this opportunity. It's going to be sooooo awesome. And, I know that the Lord is going to continue opening doors for me to speak and I just can't wait to see what all He has in store for me.

YEA GOD!!! He's so cool, isn't He? :)

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