Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Big 3-0

I'll be turning 30 in 5 months and 24 days and I'm about to go crazy. I mean, I have seriously got the count down going now that I'm less than 6 months away. And, let me tell you it's about to kill me. I've created my own little before I turn 30 list. I'll give you a few examples of my list:

1-Get in Shape (I'm doing good with this one. As of today I've lost 29.2lbs) YAY ME!
2-Play a sport (working on that one too, I'm playing soccer, which I LOVE)
3-Take a dance class
4-Speak at a women's retreat (doing this in November)
5-Be a better wife and mother

And, the list goes on. Trust me.

For some reason, this is really a big deal to me and to be real honest I just do not want to be known as THIRTY! It seems so final, meaning that I will at that point be officially considered, "OLDER", maybe everyone else won't think that but I know there will be some. When you think of someone in their thirties you think of someone that has it together, is settled, mature, successful, etc. etc. etc. I just don't see myself there yet. And, yes, even though it's silly and crazy and just probably plain stupid I hate knowing I won't be the cute twenty something year old anymore. (I know you probaly can't stop laughing now, but it's true)

My twenties have been a mixture of the good, the bad and the down right UGLY! I have had some of the highest highs I've ever experienced in my life; like becoming a wife and a mom, these two things are the greatest things in the world and I would not trade them for ANYTHING. I love my husband and my son so much and can't ever imagine being without them. But, then on the other hand I've experienced some of the lowest of lows and have been so hurt and confused and wish to never go back there again, like my parents divorce, dealing with the death of our baby girl Renee Grace, moving away from family to to go Seminary. It's been a rough ride, BUT (don't you just love the word BUT) BUT, through it all by God's amazing grace I can say I made it and for that I am very thankful. The one thing I don't think I'll ever understand is how people go through the most difficult situations without Jesus. Without Him there is no hope and assurance that things will get better.

I am honored to serve a God that rejoices over my highs and carries me through my lows. To Him be the glory! I MADE IT and I'm still alive and kicking by His grace.

Thank you, Jesus!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Oh Courtney, I won't think of you as old. I'll be hitting that mark sooner than I think! We totally need to find a cool dance class soon! That would be so much fun :)