Monday, September 15, 2008


I'm not sure if I've shared with my wonderful blog friends yet, that I am going to be playing soccer. Our games start this Thursday and I'm actually really, really excited about this. Now, you have to know that I have never played soccer. I don't have the first clue about the game, but my team has been getting together to practice so I am getting to where I at least understand it more. We are getting together to practice tonight so maybe after tonight I'll finally decide what position I want to play. SWBTS has intermural sports teams so me and some of the guys and gals I work with decided we would form a team. Some of us have played before and some have not. Me and the ones that have not played made sure our team understood that we are only playing for fun, and not to expect to win (although, deep down I'm very competitive that it's going to kill me not to win, so I'm going to try my hardest). I will make sure and have someone take pictures of me playing so that you can have a good laugh.... oh, I mean so that you can see how good I am!(haha)

I'm off to get more work done. It's a busy Monday!

1 comment:

Barb said...

no problem, i'll be sure to document this experience in film (or jpeg file)!
-the team's official photographer