Monday, September 1, 2008

A Life of Service

I have to start out by saying that we serve an awesome, wonderful, loving Savior! In all my years as a Christ-follower I am still amazed at just how much he loves us and gives us the desires of our heart. Psalm 37:4 has been a theme verse in my life for quite some time and God has proved over and over to me that if our delight is in Him, that He will give us the desires of our heart. I've prayed over and over for the Lord to begin opening doors to a speaking ministry for me. I have a passion for telling others about Jesus. I want others to know what a real and vibrant relationship they can have with Jesus Christ. It is within our reach and God invites us in to an intimate relationship with Him. Well, God has heard my prayer and has opened up an incredible door for me. In October I'll be going to Lancaster, SC (my hometown) and speaking at a women's retreat at my aunt and uncle's church. I am so thrilled that my first time to be invited to speak is in my hometown and that my family gets to be there with me. That means the world to me! I'll have the opportunity to speak twice while I am there. I've been praying and seeking the face of God this weekend asking Him to give me the message that He wants spoken and He has laid on my heart a passage of scripture that is so inspiring and awesome. If there is one thing I totally have a passion for doing it's studying and learning all I can in scripture. My dream job would be having an 8-5 job studying scripture. I just absolutely love it! The Word of God is so rich and full of incredible life lessons. It's God's way of speaking to us. The Bible is so much more than a book. It's a living, breathing conversation God is having with His people. Hebrews 4:12 says that "the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." That's why I'm so in love with the Word of God. It's alive and speaks directly to any situation I may ever face. And, I am so honored to be called by Christ to be a voice for Him and to minister to the hearts of these precious women I get to have the privilege of serving. I fully trust that God will continue to open doors up for me to speak and share the message of Christ with others. My heart's desire is that in everything I say and do that I will be a blessing and encouragement to the very heart of my Savior, Jesus Christ. It for Him that I do the things I do.

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