Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Have to Brag a Little

I just have to brag a little about my precious little boy!!! Rodney went to pick him up today and his preschool teacher told Rodney that Joshua did a very nice thing today. There was a little boy sitting off in a corner by himself and Joshua went up to his teacher and asked why is he sad? His teacher told him that the little boy didn't feel good and that he was sad because of that. So, my awesome, precious little boy walked over to the littly boy and told him he was sorry that he didn't feel good. And, he just kindof hung out with him a little so the little boy wouldn't feel all by himself.

When Rodney came home today and told me that my heart just melted. I am so proud of Joshua. I asked Joshua about the situation and he told me all about it and how he made the little boy feel better. He always notices when other kids are happy or sad and he always wants to help them. It is so neat to see how God uses our little babies. And, it sure does speak right to be my heart reminding me that I'm suppose to be that same way. When we see other people hurting we are suppose to reach out to them with the love of Christ.

We've started reading a new book with Joshua at night. It's called, You Are Special, by Max Lucado. It's an awesome book about how this small town of wemmicks (wooden people) would give each other stars and dots. They would get stars if they did something good or they would get dots if they did something bad or just didn't "measure" up to the other wemmicks. The little wemmick that had lots of dots met a little girl wemmick who didn't have any stars or dots and the little boy wanted to know why. The little girl explains that she goes to see Eli, the wood carver every single day and that spending time with him helps the stars and dots not stick to her. The reason they don't stick is because it doesn't matter to her what other people think about her, it just matters what Eli thinks of her. In this story Eli represents Jesus and the little girl represents who we can be if we will take the time and spend time in God's presences daily. So, the little boy goes to meet with Eli and as he begins to spend more and more time with Eli all the dots the other wemmicks had given him begin to fall off. It didn't matter to him anymore what the other wemmicks thought of him. He just wants to please Eli and Eli only wants to help the little wemmick feel as special as he is.

Our God thinks we are so special. Each and every one of us were created by him and for him and he takes great pleasure in us.

We've only been reading this new book for the past 2 nights and already Joshua is so excited about it. He loves to read it and I love instilling in him good, solid, Godly values. And, even though he's only 2 I know that as he reached out to that little boy today that it was God working in and through him to help someone else. Because anything good in us can only come from God. Without Him, we can do no good.

Well, I began this blog just trying to brag on my baby boy a little bit. But, it went much deeper than that. I hope that reading this somehow blesses and encourages you! I know it has already encouraged me and blessed my heart.

1 comment:

Tiffany Norris said...

That is awesome! Sounds like y'all are doing something right! And You Are Special is sooooo good. There are two more after that about the Wemmicks, but that one's my favorite. :)