Friday, February 8, 2008

Locked In A Closet

You're totally going to love this story. It is one I can add to the "happened at Roberts Library" collection! :) (which is where I work just in case you didn't know that)

Yesterday, me and Emily (girl I work with) needed to go up to the Archives closet on the 3rd floor of the library and look for a newspaper clipping. Dr. Cathey (our very smart boss) told us to go up and shut the door to the closet while we were looking for the clipping so noone would bother us. Now, you have to know that this closet is not very big at all and it has tons of stuff in it. So, there is not much floor room either. So, me and Emily decide we can trust our wonderful boss and shut the door. We looked around for what we needed but didn't find it so we were getting ready to go back downstairs when Emily looks at me and says, "Courtney, I think the door is locked." I was like, "ok, i really hope it's not. let me try it." And, yes the stinkin door was locked.

We knew there were some students sitting on the other side of the door and maybe if we knocked they would come help us. But, we were both really struggling with that decision because then they would all know we had locked ourselves in there. So, we stood for a few minutes just looking at each other trying to decide do we swallow our pride and knock on the door or do we just wait for Dr. Cathey to come look for us. We decided we were ready to get out of the closet so Emily knocked on the door. A student came up to the door and said, "yes?" And, Emily replied, "I'm sliding the key under the door." The student didn't need any more explanation. He knew we were locked in, so he took the key and unlocked the door. We stepped out to a crowd of about 7 students that were just dying laughing at us. We were both laughing so hard we couldn't talk at this point so we just shut the closet door and went back downstairs not saying a word to anyone.

Well, as soon as we got back in our office Dr. Cathey knew we had been up to something because we still couldn't control our laughter. We told him the above story and he just died laughing. We thanked him for the heads up about the closet door and he hasn't let us live it down yet. Needless to say, he's having a blast with this one. He told several people today that came into our office that me and Emily are great escape artists and then proceeded to tell them our very embarrasing, yet hilarious story. :)

For those of you that really know me, know that this is totally something I would get myself into. It just seems that I always end up in little predicaments like this one. :) I wasn't going to blog this story at first, but since our wonderful, nice, sweet, loving boss has begun to spread the word for us I figured I better fess up. :)

1 comment:

Tiffany Norris said...

How did I miss this?? Bless your heart. :)