Thursday, January 24, 2008

From God to Me

This new study we are doing at church is really awesome and has me thinking about prayer in a totally new way. I was praying last night and as I was praying God gave me this awesome revelation about prayer. You know, we tend to think prayer is all about us talking to God but it's not just about that. It's also about God talking to us. We have to stop talking long enough to hear God talk to us as well. I'm beginning to see prayer as more of a conversation me and God are having. So, here's a new thing I'm doing. I love to journal. I always write my prayers down in my prayer journal and I'm going to continue doing that. But, what I'm going to begin adding to that is what I hear God saying to me. Here's what I mean. I write my prayers out as if I'm sitting next to God telling him all about what I have going on. So, I'm going to create a from God to me section in my journal where I write out what God is saying to me as I pray. I truly believe he talks back to us and we can hear his voice, but we've got to listen for it. Here is an example from my prayer journal last night.

From God to Me:
"Courtney, I wish you would realize how precious you are to me. I have placed so much potential in you, yet you are too afraid to pursue it. Reach out to me more. I want to help you. I'm not against you. Trust my voice. You are my child, so there is nothing you could do that would make me go away. Trust me, I am not walking out on you. You're my baby girl! I am so proud of you for taking an active role in your prayer life. I'm looking forward to communicating with you more. That is why I created you. I am interested in you and want to know your thoughts and feelings. It is nice hearing your voice tell me things I already know. I love you so much, Courtney. Sweet dreams and I'll talk to you in the morning."

Ok, so I'm sure some of you probably think I'm totally crazy but here is why I'm doing this. As I was praying last night I really focused and tuned in on what I heard God trying to say to me. And, as I began to listen I heard (not out loud in a voice) God telling me exactly what I wrote above. Once I wrote it all out I read back over it and it was so awesome. It was like reading a letter from God that He wrote specifically to me. And, the great thing is that I can always look back in my journal to see and read the words that God himself spoke to me.

I think too many of us have a misconception about prayer and that is why we so often get frustrated with our prayer lives. Remember, it's not just about you talking to God. Prayer is communicating with God. And, to communicate with someone you not only speak to them but you also listen. Give it a shot and see how it works for you. If you do, leave a comment telling what it was like for you. I know for me, it's going to become a continual way that I communicate with God.


Anonymous said...

courtney, this is wonderful! when i read this, i got this amazing sense of understanding :o) God does speak like that to us! isn't it cool? that little voice that's so different from anything we ever hear speaks out over the insanity of our thoughts and peace comes...freely flowing from the Father. Our Daddy is awesome! so glad you shared! listening to Him is something i struggle with... i really enjoy reading your blog by the way.

a sis in Christ from good ol' sc

Courtney said...

I'm so glad this helped you! It has definitely enriched my own prayer life. Thanks for leaving a comment and letting me know how it helped you. It was very encouraging to read your response. :)

And, of course it's always good to hear from a fellow SC Girl! :)