Monday, January 14, 2008


Well, Rodney starts all his school stuff tomorrow. He has orientation all day tomorrow and then classes start on Thursday. I can't believe we've been living in Texas for almost 2 months already. It's amazing how fast time goes these days. Please remember to pray for Rodney as he gets started. He is very excited about starting this program and learning how to be a great christian counselor. I know he's going to do great.

I haven't been up to much. Just the same old stuff everyday. I was totally exhausted this past weekend and just caught up on a lot of rest. I took a nap on Saturday and Sunday and it was absolutely wonderful. I don't get to do that much, so when I do I really enjoy it. :)

We are trying to potty train Joshua now. He's doing ok, it's just going to take time I guess. He's in the bathroom right now and he told Rodney to go away so he could potty. He's a mess!

Well, that's about it for tonight. Nothing too exciting going on here.

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